Welcome To Our World!
Your only limite is You
Start Journey


Working your mind and body...


Clear your mind and focus on one thing... You


There's no better way to take you where you need to go...


Not just about winning, it’s about pushing yourself to be the best version of you..


"I loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I'm competing with is me."




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If we do not walk where we want to go, we do not see what we want to find.

  • 2009-2011

    Our First Step

    Everything starts with one ideal, with one believe, finding a way to reach our goal. We must always start with us, with the conception that we can breakdown all the barriers, preparing our self’s for that. Building a strong mind and body since kids. That was our first step!

  • March 2011


    Start competing makes us think faster and keep our body stronger. It’s where we put ourselves and the knowledge we acquire from training in proof, where we show the best inside of us. Start competing, gave us the objective to reach forward our golds!

  • December 2012

    The Recognition & Reward

    The First Gold. Thru years of training we achieved our first gold. But is this gold our goal? It’s the training that shows us where the real finish line is, make us see that the real goal is not only in the medal at the first place, cause the finish line, it’s inside of us!

  • July 2014

    Going Higher

    We start work the concentration in the present time. Thru Mind Fullness we give time to ourselves to acquire one objective. Free our mind of everything and let us focus in the connection between mind and body, helping our response and how we react to stress situations. Learn to deal with our difficulties and make them strength to us!

  • Be Part
    Of Our

Our Amazing Team

Together Everyone Achieves More

Inga Vanessa

Personal Trainner

It´s not the destination so much as the journey they say, and here, is where your journey start, the far you go only depends of what you do along the way. In run-active, we give you the tools and we’ll teach you how to use them, cause the rest… the rest it's in inside of you. The battle you will fight it’s with the biggest opponent you’ll have in life, yourself.

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